
Vāsettha. A young brahmin who, with his friendBhāradvāja, visited the Buddha and held discussions with him. These discussions are recorded in the Tevijja Sutta, theVāsettha Sutta, and theAggañña Sutta.

Buddhaghosa says (DA.ii.399; SNA.ii.463; cf. SN., p.116) that Vāsettha was the chief disciple ofPokkharasāti. According to him again (DA.ii.406; cf.iii.860, 872), Vāsettha’s first visit to the Buddha was on the occasion of the preaching of the Vāsettha Sutta, at the conclusion of which he accepted the Buddha as his teacher. He again did so, when, at his next visit, the Buddha preached to him the Tevijja Sutta. Soon after, he entered the Order, and, at the conclusion of the preaching of the Aggañña Sutta, he was given the higher ordination and attained arahantship. He belonged to a very rich family and renounced forty crores when he left the world. He was an expert in the three Vedas.

DN.13/(13) Tevijjasuttaṃ 三明經 我聽到這樣:   有一次,世尊與五百位比丘的大比丘僧團一起在憍薩羅進行遊行,抵達名叫瑪那沙葛德的憍薩羅婆羅門村落,在那裡,世尊住在瑪那沙葛德北邊瑪那沙葛德的阿致羅筏底河畔芒果園中。(518)   當時,眾多有名的大財富婆羅門住在瑪那沙葛德,即:鄭計婆羅門、大魯科婆羅門、玻科勒沙低婆羅門、若奴索尼婆羅門、杜鐵亞婆羅門以及其他有名的大財富婆羅門。(519)   那時,學生婆羅門襪謝德與婆羅墮若在徒步散步、徘徊時,生起關於道、非道的談論。那時,學生婆羅門襪謝德這麼說:

《長阿含經》卷16:「(二六)[11]佛說長阿含第三分[12]三明經第七 如是我聞: 一時,佛在[13]俱薩羅國人間遊行,與大比丘眾千二百五十人俱,詣伊車能伽羅俱薩羅婆羅門村,止宿伊車林中。 時,有婆羅門名[14]沸伽羅娑羅、婆羅門名[15]多梨車,以小緣詣伊車能伽羅村。此沸伽羅娑羅婆羅門,七世以來父母真正,不為他人之所輕毀,異典三部諷誦通利,種種經書善能分別。又能善於大人相法、觀察吉凶、祭祀儀禮,有五百弟子,教授不廢。其一弟子名[16]婆悉咤,七世以來父母真正,不為他人之所輕毀,異學三部諷誦通利,種種經書盡能分別,亦能善於大人相法,觀察吉凶,祭祀儀禮,亦有五百弟子,教授不廢。」(CBETA, T01, no. 1, p. 104, c16-29) [11]佛說長阿含+(經)【宋】【元】,〔佛說長阿含〕-【明】。[12]~D. 13. Tevijja-sutta.。[13][>俱薩羅]~Kosala.。[14]沸伽羅娑羅~Pokkharasāti.。[15][>多梨車]~Tārukkha.。[16][>婆悉咤]~Vāsettha.。

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