
[討論] 經歷認罪的喜樂
發信站: 楓橋驛站 (bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw )

    得赦免其過、遮蓋其罪的,這人是有福的! —詩篇32篇1節
    Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is
covered. — Psalm 32:1

除臭槍。這個彈藥可以在一分鐘之內,將幾加侖的香氣佈滿在 50 碼內腐爛的垃

掩蓋自己道德上的敗壞(撒母耳記下 11 – 12 章)。在詩篇 32 篇說到,當他
保持沉默時,他經歷到上帝嚴厲的判決(3-4 節)。當大衛知道再也無法不面對
自己的罪時,他藉著承認、坦白和悔改來揭露他的罪(5 節)。他不再需要隱瞞



Own up to your sin and experience the joy of confession.

Coverups Stink
May 24, 2012 — by Marvin Williams

    The smell at an overflowing garbage landfill site became a growing
public concern. So workers installed high-pressured deodorant guns to
counteract the smell. The cannons could spray several gallons of
fragrance a minute over a distance of up to 50 yards across the mounds
of putrefying garbage. However, no matter how many gallons of
deodorant are sprayed to mask the odorous rubbish, the fragrance will
serve only as a coverup until the source of the stench is removed.

    King David tried a coverup as well. After his adultery with
Bathsheba, he attempted to use silence, deceit, and piety to mask his
moral failures (2 Sam. 11 – 12). In Psalm 32 he talks about
experiencing the intense convicting hand of God when he remained
silent (vv.3-4). Unable to withstand the conviction any longer, David
uncovered his sin by acknowledging, confessing, and repenting of it
(v.5). He no longer needed to cover it because God forgave him.

    It 』 s futile to try to hide our sin. The stench of our
disobedience will seep through whatever we use to try to cover it. Let
』 s acknowledge to God the rubbish in our hearts and experience the
fresh cleansing of His grace and forgiveness.

Father, I know that I cannot hide my sins from You
for You know what』s in my heart.
I confess them now to You.
Cleanse me, forgive me,
and help me to make a brand-new start. Amen.
2012/05/30 Wed 05:14:12
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