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發信站: 由 獅子吼站 收信 (cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信區: BudaTech)
~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 13:17:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jamie HUBBARD <JHUBBARD@ernestine.smith.edu>
To: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: Re: Chinese Buddhism Canons

> Hello! Jhubbard!
>     Thank you very much for your letter!
> But I have a stupid question....

  There are no stupid questions. The San-chieh-chiao is the "Teaching of 
the Three Levels", popular during the Sui and T'ang dynasty, suppressed 
many times by the government and eventually driven out of existence. 
Their manuscripts were thus entirely lost, but a number of texts turned  
up in Tun-huang.

Fri Mar 29 18:32:51 1996
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