
《大正藏》【第25卷】 CD-ROM
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發信站: 由 獅子吼站 收信 (cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信區: BudaTech)
~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 00:47:01 +0800 (CST)
From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: Taisho Sutra - CDROM (fwd)


上封信講的,是一片 Mini-CD ROM ,包含了許多淨土宗的文件等。



    「大正藏第二十五冊」 CD 的售價過於昂貴...

ps. 大正藏第二十五冊的內容包括:

1505 25 P0001 四阿鋡暮抄解(2卷)【符秦 鳩摩羅佛提等譯】
1506 25 P0015 三法度論(3卷)【東晉 僧伽提婆譯】
1507 25 P0030 分別功德論(5卷)【失譯】
1508 25 P0053 阿含口解十二因緣經(1卷)【後漢 安玄共嚴佛調譯】
1509 25 P0057 大智度論(100卷)【後秦 鳩摩羅什譯】
1510 25 P0757 金剛般若論(2卷)【隋 達磨笈多譯】
1510 25 P0766 金剛般若波羅蜜經論(3卷)【隋 達磨笈多譯】
1511 25 P0781 金剛般若波羅蜜經論(3卷)【元魏 菩提流支譯】
1512 25 P0798 金剛仙論(10卷)【元魏 菩提流支譯】
1513 25 P0875 能斷金剛般若波羅蜜多經論釋(3卷)【唐 義淨譯】
1514 25 P0885 能斷金剛般若波羅蜜多經論頌(1卷)【唐 義淨譯】
1515 25 P0887 金剛般若波羅蜜經破取著不壞假名論(2卷)【唐 地婆訶羅等譯】
1516 25 P0898 聖佛母般若波羅蜜多九頌精義論(2卷)【宋 法護等譯】
1517 25 P0900 佛母般若波羅蜜多圓集要義釋論(4卷)【宋 施護等譯】
1518 25 P0912 佛母般若波羅蜜多圓集要義論(1卷)【宋 施護等譯】

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 1995 17:03:04 +0900 (JST)
From: Claude Huss <claude@trc.mew.co.jp>
To: ML Shinshu <a-shinshu-forum@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Cc: acmuller@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw
Subject: Taisho Sutra - CDROM


	I just received the information that the Taisho Sutra CD-ROM
with all the collection of Sutras in Chinese (25 Volumes, plus classics
from Nagarjuna, etc.. etc..). is going to be released this end of
September. The price is going to be 25,000 yens (Initially they
said 50,000 yens, but it seems it was too much even in Japan...).
I think this can be a nice deal since only one volume costs 7,000/11,000
yens if printed... 

	It seems that they are going to sell only directly, so if you
have interest, please contact the :

TaiZou Shuppansha
Mejiro-Dai, 1-17-6
Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 112 
Fax:  +81-3-3943-3740

	Disclaimer: I don't have any link with this publishing company
and I cannot be responsible for any problem related with this information...

------------------------Text in Japanese-------------------------



Claude Huss$5$s$X

Claude Huss, Network Research Engineer 
Matsushita Electric Works, Tokyo R&D Labs Network Software Group
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