
日本【大正藏第25卷】 CD-ROM (Jodo Seiten Mini-Disk: Review )
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發信站: 由 獅子吼站 收信 (cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信區: BudaTech)
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Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 00:43:24 +0800 (CST)
From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: Jodo Seiten Mini-Disk: Review (fwd)

以下是關於日本半個月前發售的「大正藏第二十五卷」 CD 的介紹。

已是半個月前的舊聞了 :Q

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Date: Fri, 8 Sep 1995 21:05:02 +0900
From: Claude Huss <claude@gol.com>
To: a-shinshu-forum@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw
Subject: Jodo Seiten Mini-Disk: Review

IMPORTANT: This MiniCD-ROM requires a Japanese environment AND all
           texts and menu are in Japanese. You will need a special
           software to read those mini-disks (Some Public domain
           software are available). 

I just got the Jodo Seiten MiniCD-ROM that I have told in a mail
few days ago. My impression is really very good. It has included
all the sacred texts in Shin Buddhism and also a lot of additional
interesting material:
        1) A Dictionary of 6,000 Shin Buddhist terms
        2) Time tables of all Monshus
        3) A Short introduction to Shinran's history
        4) An Introduction to basics of Shin Buddhism
        5) Maps of important buddhist sites in India, China and Japan
        6) Explanation of Buddhist rituals
        7) SOUND of 5 shin budhist texts CHANTED in ritual form.
                (Shoshinge, Hakkotsu no sho, Shinjin Gyakutokusho,
                 Shonin ichiryusho)

I just thought it was a kind of hard to browse the texts, since the window
is not very big and it has a lot of link to explanations after every
paragraph, but it is can be useful for people who dont understand Shin

In general, the MiniCD contains 108.5 MBytes of wonderful material and 
it is very easy to find keywords and do cut & paste. The price is also
very reasonable (9,000 yens). It is really a good resource. I just hope
they do something like this in English as well very soon!..
Fri Mar 29 18:05:17 1996
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