
當初張文明居士的來信, 關於網路佛典資源
Post Gateway
發信站: 由 獅子吼站 收信 (cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信區: BudaTech)
~---------- Forwarded message ----------
On Wed, 15 Mar 1995, Wen-Bing Horng wrote:

> Dear Mr. Chiou,
> Thank you for your efferts spending on collecting all possible electronic
> files about Buddism.  According to your message posted on the newsgroup
> "alt.chinese.text.big5", I tried to down load the files from pds.nchu.edu.tw
> FTP server; but I could find the subdirectory "/pub/bbs/post/buddhism".
> I do not know whether these files are removed by other people (such as
> system administrator). Then, I tried dongpo.math.ncu.edu.tw under the
> buddhism directory, and I got all of them.  Please check if there are
> any problems with the FTP server of pds.nchu.edu.tw".  At last, I appreciate
> your efferts on this job, again.  Hoping you can continue and collect
> more files and do help people.  Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Wen-Bing Horng
> Tamkang University
> Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
> p.s. If you have any news regarding buddha files, please also drop me
>      a message.

Content-Type: text/plain


我是 張文明, 冒昧地寄信給您, 盼勿見怪. 先自我簡介如下,
我目前是 北佛青(中華民國佛教青年會台北市分會)的
會擴主委, 白天則在資策會服務.

從 www 上有幸 access 到您的 buddhist gopher, 對於您及您的一堆朋友的
發心深感敬佩, 很巧地, 最近我正嘗試建立一個 Buddhism Web server
(, 此項工作亦已得到中佛青理事長"淨耀法師"的初步
同意, 將盡可能於最近的時間內正式投入應有的軟硬體設備正式建站, 在我的
Web server 內已有"人類手冊"與北佛青的活動看板, 及預定的"妙雲集"
"Good Question/Good Answer". 因此, 急需更充實的內容, 對於您 gopher 
內的佛學資料檔案, 不知是否能自由取得, 以便進一步編輯為 html 檔而存放
在在下的 Web server 內.

	不揣淺陋, 如有冒犯, 尚祈海涵.

			文明  email: wmc@iiidns.iii.org.tw
				voice: (02)735-1571 office
Fri Mar 29 16:47:51 1996
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