
The Mozilla Application Framework

The Mozilla Application Framework: for powerful, easy to develop
cross-platform applications

Want to build applications? Use the Mozilla framework and make your life
easier. We provide a comprehensive framework that does much of the work
for you, tools to help you develop your apps, and a community of people
to help.
2004年 7月 2日 16:35:03 星期五
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Re: The Mozilla Application Framework
這也是在跨平台時, 我們考慮要用來取代 IE 的東西.

※ 引述《jack2004 (jack)》之銘言:
> http://www.mozilla.org/why/framework.html
> The Mozilla Application Framework: for powerful, easy to develop
> cross-platform applications
> Want to build applications? Use the Mozilla framework and make your life
> easier. We provide a comprehensive framework that does much of the work
> for you, tools to help you develop your apps, and a community of people
> to help.

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卍 歡迎光臨中華電子佛典協會 : http://www.cbeta.org   卍
Sat Jul 3 18:24:51 2004
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