※ 引述《macefindu (fede)》之銘言:
> > > 剛剛突發奇想:用寫的給他看好了,所以,又得另外問"梵文"的
> > > 英文是什麼?
> > 這個可在英文字典查到:Sanskrit
> 大德,這個字不是宗教經典手抄本的意思嗎?梵文不知是說ancient indian
> 還是有別的字...?
就是 Sanskrit 囉。我查了專門的中英巴梵辭典,也是這字 :)
英文解釋是: The classical ARYAN language of India. Most of the original
Buddhist texts in China, especially MAHAYANA texts were in SANSKRIT.
PALI (巴利文) is considered by some Chinese writers to be more ancient
than SANSKRIT both as a spoken and written language.
Have a nice day!
悠哉賢故友, 抱道樂林泉, 坐到無疑地, 參窮有象天.
胸中消塊壘, 筆底走雲煙, 更笑忘機鳥, 常窺定後禪.