Flaming Jewel Sutra 燃焰寶經
Jina 是指釋尊嗎?
Master Sura who is this?
The Precious Garland 寶鬘集
Verse Summary of the Pragnaparamita 般若波羅蜜多偈頌
Sutra of Ten Samsaric States 十輪經
Vinayagama 律典
The Four Hundred 四百經
Bodhisattava-pitaka 菩薩經
Vinaya-vibhanga ??
the All-knowing Lama 到底是指什麼
In the letter to a Disciple 致弟子書 (這本書有中文本嗎)
Master Sutra 上師經
Sutra of Excellent Enlightenemnt 勝悟經
The Sutra fo the Ornemental Array 飾列經
The Jewel of Realization 寶悟經
Master Aro who is he???
Sutra requested by Srigupta 希古巴請問經
Dingri 娑婆世界
Geshe Che-nga 給些千那 who is he?
sadhana(s) 明王咒???
The King of Samadhis 三摩地王經
Udanavarga ????
Sravakas ???
fierce Indra of the thousand eyes ???
Visnu ???
gandharvas ???
rishe ???
The Wish-fulfilling Jewel 滿願寶
Asaghosa who is he?
Bhimasena ???
King Yati ???
Narayana, Yasas, Brahma, Indra, Vishnu, five Pandava brothers ???
siddha Khyungpo Naljorpa ???
Precious Collection 寶集
他方世界 Uttarakuru where?
Tresury of Abhidharma 阿比法寶
The four Abadonments 四棄詩
The Voice of the Buddha 佛語
the Sutra fo the Questions of the Maiden 少女請問經
Instructions from a Spiritual friends 龍樹菩薩的 親友書 ??? 道友薦言??
The Sutra of the Questions of Viradatta
master of yogis ???
Sri Jagatamitra ???
Letter to King Candra 致國王康左拉書 ???
Letter to King Kaniska 致國王卡尼斯卡書 ???
Aro's Yoga of the Great Vechicle 大乘阿若瑜伽
Yoga of the Great Vehicle 大乘瑜伽
Yamaraja, king of the Dharma???
brahmacarin ???
Chekhawa ???
Kharag Gomchung ???
Sastra ???
Manipa ???