kalpa(巴利文)=kappa(梵文) 劫 =aeon=eon(英文) (a fabulous time)
a kalpa is represented by 336,000,000 human years.
成住壞空之四期 各經此一增一減之中劫20
而經此成住壞空之間 即80中劫為一大劫
成住壞空四期各經一中劫也 為80小劫即=4中劫 名一大劫
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一大劫 mahakappa{(a上要一橫)巴利文} = mahakalpa {(a上要一橫)(梵文)}
英文= A great aeon or period from the beginning of an universe till it
is destroyed, and another begins in its place. it has four periods
known as:
一大劫=agreat kappa or kalpa is calculated as eighty small kappas
(kalpas) and to last 1,344,000,000 humans
四中劫(成劫 住劫 壞劫 空劫)=80小劫
成劫= creation or formation period
= vivatta-kappa(巴利文) = vivarta-kalpa(梵文)
住劫= the appearance of sun and moon, i,e, light and the period of
life, human or general. It is the continuation of the formed world.
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= vivattatthayikappa(巴利文) = vivarta-iddha-kalpa(梵文)
壞劫= destruction period. First by fire, then water, then deluge, then
a great wind and world world dissolution.
=samvatta-kappa(巴利文) = samvarta-kalpa(梵文) p.s. 梵巴 m下都要一點
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空劫= total destruction gradually reaching the void.
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= samvattatthayi-kappa(巴利文)=samvartastthayi-kalpa
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p.s.: 空劫的梵文巴利文 m下面要一點 a和i上面要一橫
以上為"劫" 各用不同方式原文列出
※ 引述《Being (Being)》之銘言:
> kalpa 是 '劫'
> 那 eon 是什麼
> 怎麼翻譯呢
> I need your help...
> Being
不以有行 亦不以無行 即得受記
維摩經云 諸行性相 悉皆無常
涅槃經云 佛告迦葉 諸行是常 無有是處
汝但一切處無心 即無諸行 亦無無行 即名受記
阿彌陀佛常以佛光攝受一切眾生 請常念阿彌陀佛
阿彌陀佛! 妙音香光 合十