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發信人: b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw (Post Gateway), 信區: BudaTech
標  題: ZenBase CD 中佛典工具(IRIZ Elec. Tools)
發信站: 由 獅子吼站 收信 (Fri Mar 29 16:32:49 1996)

~---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 21:57:56 +0800 (CST)
From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject: Ele. Buddhism Convert Tools

(程式在花蓮大學 CD 中。有些在一般的 ftp 即可找到。)

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   [影像] [影像] to Overview
                          IRIZ Electronic Text Tools
   This set of tools was written by Christian Wittern in the context of
   the Zen KnowledgeBase project. The kanji code and normalization tools
   are based on the expert work of K. Fujimoto and Dr. Xiaohong Liang.
   For these tools you need to install Perl in your system. This is done
   as follows:
     * DOS/Windows: Go to the PERL directory in the OMAKE directory. Copy
       its contents into a directory on your hard disk and add that
       directory to the path name. For example, if you create a directory
       called IRIZTOOLS on your hard disk, you can copy Perl and all our
       text tools into that directory. Then you add IRIZTOOLS to the path
       name in your autoexec.bat. In this way, you can work on any file
       wherever it is.
       Our tools do not touch the original file you want to work on; they
       create new ones which you have to name either on the command line
       or when prompted.
       Attention: If you get a DOS/16 error you have to use the DOS
       window within Windows.
     * Macintosh: Open to the OMAKE folder and drag the MacPerl folder
       onto your hard disk. From within the Perl folder, copy the Perl
       Runtime and Perl Help files into the Preferences folder of your
       system folder. If you do this, all our text utilities should also
       run with aliases, wherever they are.
       To use our utilities (in the TOOLS folder), drag a properly
       prepared text file onto a pyramid (such as FMTCNV) and follow the
       prompts. If you use a tool a lot, you may make an alias of it and
       place the alias on your desktop. You can then drop your text files
       on the alias.
       With larger files you may experience memory problems. Setting the
       memory of MacPerl higher (and if necessary using the system's
       virtual memory in the memory control panel) may help.
   ATTENTION: We expect all our utilities to work, but there is always
   room for improvement. You will find periodical updates and
   improvements (and bug fixes) on our WWW home page.
     * IRIZ concordance maker (CONCORD)
     This tool creates a complete concordance from a text file (JIS or
     Big-5); in conjunction with related Word 6 macros, a perfectly
     formatted and paged concordance can be printed.
     For DOS: CONCORD sourcefile (you will be prompted for the result
     file name)
     For MAC: drag the sourcefile on the CONCORD pyramid (you will be
     prompted for the result file name)
     * IRIZ kanji code conversion tools (BJ, JB, etc.)
     These tools convert a text file from Big5 to JIS (BJ) or vice-versa
     (JB). In the second case, it is recommended that you first use the
     New2old tool. There are three degrees of strictness of conversion;
     test them with a file and judge the result.
     ----> DOS usage: For example, conversion from Big5 to JIS is invoked
     on the DOS commandline as follows:
     ----> Macintosh usage: Drop a file on the BJ or JB icon
     * IRIZ kanji normalization tool (NORMALIZ)
     This tool which works only on text in Big5 code normalizes a text
     file for more convenient use in ordinary text search or in
     concordances; the program also generates a record of all conversions
     that were effected.
     For DOS: NORMALIZ sourcefile (the result will be written to a file
     with the extension .nor and the normalization report is written to a
     file with the extension .nml)
     For MAC: drag the sourcefile on the NORMALIZ pyramid (you will be
     prompted for the result file name)
     * IRIZ electronic text format conversion tool (FMTCNV)
     This program converts the format of text files among the RAW, APP,
     and TAB formats.
     For DOS: FMTCNV sourcefile (you will be asked what format you would
     like to have and for the result file name)
     For MAC: drag the sourcefile on the FMTCNV pyramid (you will be
     asked what format you would like to have and for the result file
     * IRIZ KanjiBase tools for Windows
     A set of tools and macros that integrate the IRIZ KanjiBase with
     Word version 6 and facilitate practical use of KanjiBase characters
     in your documents.
     Installation: open the file KTWWORDJ.doc (for Japanese Word) or
     KTWWORDC.doc (for the Chinese version of Word) and follow the
     * IRIZ KanjiBase tools for Macintosh
     Macros for Word 6 to convert KanjiBase codes into printable and
     viewable bitmap characters.
     Installation: open the file Kanjitools for the Macintosh (for
     Japanese Word; this is in the macro folder within the tools folder)
     and follow the instructions.
     * IRIZ text statistics tools (CHARCNT, TERMCNT, CHARLIST)
     These are tools to count characters and compounds and to generate
     gaiji information lists.
     For DOS: CHARCNT sourcefile (the result will be written to a file
     with the extension .cnt)
     For Mac: drag the sourcefile on the CHARCNT pyramid
     Do likewise for the others.
    Author:Urs APP
    Last updated: 95.4.16

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