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發信人: b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw (Post Gateway), 信區: BudaTech 標 題: ZenBase CD 的內容索引 發信站: 由 獅子吼站 收信 (Fri Mar 29 16:30:38 1996) ~---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 21:51:16 +0800 (CST) From: David Chiou <b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw> Subject: Zen DataBase CD's INDEX 以下是花園大學該片 CD 中,包含的佛典內容: ~---------- Forwarded message ---------- [影像] [影像] to Home Page _________________________________________________________________ List of included Zen Texts ------>List of titles in English ------>List of titles in Japanese JIS _________________________________________________________________ The ZENTEXTS directory contains, among some other things, the electronic text data of over 70 Chinese Zen texts. Some of them stem from earlier input by the editor, but the bulk was input and corrected between 1990 and 1995 as part of the Zen KnowledgeBase research project at the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ) at Hanazono University. * The data are delivered in the form of pure text files and can therefore be used on any computer system able to handle Japanese or Chinese characters. The text headers contain important information about the original text, codes, citation formats, etc. * All text files are provided in both the JIS and Big-5 codes and in three basic formats: the RAW format that basically replicates the original, the APP format for speedy line-based searches, and the TAB format with page/line numbers for database applications and proofreading (for search and other software included on this CD see pp. 17 and 18). Recognizing that electronic data may live longer than print and often are blindly trusted, we put text data into different directories according to their degree of reliability: _________________________________________________________________ 1. Fully corrected data (CORRTXT): Data that were used for the first 13 vols. of our Hanazono Concordance Series such as the records of Linji, Zhaozhou, Dongshan, Nanquan, Mazu, Huangbo, the Platform Sutra, Zongmi's "Preface", the Wumenguan, etc. 2. Not fully corrected data (BETATXT): Several large collections (Guzunzu yulu, Wudeng huiyuan, Tiansheng guangdenglu, etc.) and many records of individual masters. 3. Insufficiently corrected data (ALPHATXT): The Zongjinglu (100 fascicles) etc. 4. Tagged text@(TAGTXT): : A test version of the Wudeng huiyuan tagged in SGML _________________________________________________________________ Inventory of the text files in ZENTEXTS List of files in CORRTXT BAOCANG 寶藏論 CEJIN 禪關策進 CHUANDE 景德傳燈錄卷第三十 CHUANXIN 黃檗山斷際禪師傳心法要 DONGSHA 洞山悟本大師語錄 DONGSHB 洞山大師語錄序 DUXU 禪源諸詮集都序 JUEGUAN 絕觀論 LINJILU 鎮州臨濟慧照禪師語錄 LIUZU 壇經 MAZU 江西馬祖道一禪師語錄 NANQUAN 池州南泉普願禪師語要 SHIZI 楞伽師資記 VAJRA 金剛三昧經 WANLING 黃檗斷際禪師宛陵錄 WMG 禪宗無門關 ZHAOZHOU 趙州真際禪師語錄 List of files in BETATXT ZFYZ 正法眼藏 XGSZ 續刊古尊宿語要 GZSYYML 古尊宿語要全部目錄etc BAFANG 拈八方珠玉集 WUMENG 禪宗無門關 TXBAIWEN 通玄百問 YUXUAN 御選語錄 SIJIAYL 四家語錄 WUJIA 五家語錄 CAOSHAN 曹山大師語綠 XUEFENG 雪峰語錄 FAYAN 五家語錄【法眼宗】 FUDAISHI 善慧大士錄 PANG 龐居士語錄 FENYANG 汾陽和尚語錄 HLSIJIA 黃龍四家語錄 SHISHUAN 石霜楚圓慈明語綠 TSGDL 天聖廣燈錄 SOBODEN 禪林僧寶傳 WDHY 五燈會元 GZSYLX 重刻古尊宿語錄序 NANYUE 南嶽大慧禪師 MAZU 馬祖大寂禪師 BAIZHANG 百丈懷海禪師 HUANGBO 筠州黃檗斷際禪師 LINJI 鎮州臨濟慧照禪師語錄 XINGHUA 興化禪師語錄 MUZHOU 睦州和尚語錄 NANYUAN 汝州南院禪師語要 FENGXUE 風穴禪師語綠 SHOUSHAN 汝州首山念和尚語錄 SMCIZHAO 石門山慈照禪師鳳巖集 FENYANGG 汾陽昭禪師語錄 CHNGTIAN 并州承天嵩禪師語錄 SHISHNGG 【石霜楚圓】慈明禪師語錄 NANQUAN 池州南泉普願禪師語要 ZIHU 衢州子湖山第一代神力禪師語錄 ZHAOZHOU 趙州真際禪師語錄 YUNMEN 雲門匡真禪師廣錄 YANGQI 袁州楊岐山普通禪院會和尚語錄 YUNGAI 後住潭州雲蓋山海會寺語錄 DAOWU 潭州道吾真禪師語要 HAIHUI 舒州白雲山海會演和尚初住四面山語錄 HUANGMEI 黃梅東山演和尚語錄 GUANGJIA 汝州葉縣廣教省禪師語錄 SHENDING 潭州神鼎山第一代諲禪師語錄 DAYU 筠州大愚芝和尚語錄 QUANJU 舒州法華山舉和尚語要 FOYAN 佛眼禪師語錄 DASUI 大隨開山神照禪師語錄 TUOZI 投子和尚語錄 XINGSHNG 鼓山先興聖國師和尚法堂玄要廣集 DSSHOU 襄州洞山第二代【守】初禪師語錄 ZHIMEN 智門祚禪師語錄 WENYUE 雲峰【文】悅禪師初住翠巖語錄 BAOFENG 寶峰雲庵真淨禪師語錄 LANGYA 滁州瑯琊山覺和尚語錄 DONGLIN 東林和尚雲門庵主頌古 FOZHAO 佛照禪師奏對錄 POXIANG 第二門破相論 WUXINGL 第五門悟性論 XUEMAI 第六門血脈論 MUSHINR 無心論 GENNIN 原人論 SAIJOJO 最上乘論 List of files in ALFATXT SUGYO 宗鏡錄 List of files in TAGTXT WDHY 五燈會元 _________________________________________________________________ Author:Urs APP Last updated: 95.4.16 |
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