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作者: cbeta (中華電子佛典協會) 看板: BudaTech
標題: CBETA 2005電子佛典成果發表
時間: Tue Mar  1 01:46:42 2005




次成果發表主要的內容,含《大正藏》校勘版 (第一至五五卷與第八十五卷),及
《卍續藏經》禪宗全 (第六十三卷至第七十三卷及第七十八卷至第八十七卷)之電子

及功能。歡迎來函索取光碟(請註明回郵地址) ,亟盼您能提供寶貴的意見,作為未


  耑此敬頌 時祺

主委 釋惠敏 敬啟


February 15, 2005

Announcement of the 2005 CBETA CD-ROM Releasing

It is our honor to announce that The Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text
Association (CBETA) presents the latest version of its Electronic
Tripitaka in celebration of the seventh anniversary of its founding on
February 15, 2005.

The major achievement of this new CBETA Chinese Electronic Tripitaka
Collection version is the integration of the text-critical notes of the
Taisho Tripitaka Vol. 1-55&85, with the complete Zen part of Xuzangjing
(also known as Zokuzokyo, the Supplement to the Manji Canon) Vol. 63-73
& 78-87, in using the Text Encoding Initiative's (TEI) XML based markup.

In addition to the above, this release is not only of the texts itself,
but also of new environments, new applications and tools for better
accessing them. Therefore, the newly revised CBReader has various
functions such as Catalogues of CBETA e-Tripitaka, Catalogue Search,
Text Search, Citation and Goto function etc.

A compilation of this version on CD-ROM will be mailed to you free upon
receiving your mailing address. Or please download the ISO image file
from CBETA website http://www.cbeta.org, the updated versions will be
available at the same website continuously.

Sincerely thanks to those who made it possible to produce the Buddhist
Electronic Text.

Yours in the Dharma,
Bhikkhu Huimin
Director, Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association
獅子吼站 板面介紹:                                         cbs.ntu.edu.tw
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