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發信人: Yvens@Feeling (WeekendLover), 信區: astrology
標  題: 這是英文版的星座(一)
發信站: 中正大學寂寞芳心小站 (Sat Jan 20 00:34:28 1996)
轉信站: Feeling (local)


      Characteristics of Signs of the Zodiac
      Capricorn(Dec 22-Jan 20)
      Ambitious, know where they are going, but can become negative and
      lacking in self-confidence, Cautious, reserved, musical. Dry sense
      of humor.

      Aquarius(Jan 21-Feb 18)
      Individualistic, original, and idealistic.. Inventive, helpful, and
      loyal. Good mixers but unconventional and unpredictable. "Private
      Pisces(Feb 19-Mar 20)
      Dreamers. Inconsistent. Can become deceitful to avoid tricky situations.
      They find the caring professions and artistic activities most satisfying.
      Aries(Mar 21-Arp 20)
      Postive, masculine, extrovert, selfish and careless. People born under
      Aries are leaders, winners, "me-first people."
      Taurus(Apr 21-May 21)
      Steadfast, reliable, loving, enjoyers of the good things of life. 
      Progressive, persistent, and practical with a lof of common sense.
      Gemini(May 22-Jun 21)
      Versatile, lively, communicative, intellectually stimulating. Restless,
      often leaving tasks unfinished as they switch from one interest to 
      Cancer(Jun 22-Jul 22)
      Sensitive, protective, imaginative, and intuitive. Good memory.
      Strongly attached to home and family. Moody, emotional, and pron
      to worry.

      Leo(Jul 23-Aug 23)
      Big-hearted, bossy, and optimistic. Enthusiastic, with expensive 
      taste and a great sense of drama. Leos make good managers and 

      Virgo(Aug 24-Sep 22)
      Modest, charming, shy, energetic, and hardworking. Particularly like
      serving others. Logical, analytic, and critical.

      Libra(Sep 23-Oct 23)
      Need to share their lives and find balance and harmony. Peace-loving,
      charming, diplomatic, and hard-suffering. Indecisive and resentful.

      Scorpio(Oct 24-Nov22)
      Powerful emotional and physical resources. Need to direct their 
      energy in rewarding directions. Difficult for them to talk about
      their problems.
      Sagittarius(Nov 23-Dec 21)
      Deep need for freedom. Enthusiastic and versatile with a flair for
      languages. Enjoy a challenge. Eternal students. Blindly optimistic.
      *Summarized from J. Parker "Signs of the Zodiac"(Webb & Bower, UK)

         If You Banish Me, I Do Not Resist. 
              But I Want You to Know,       
        Once I'm Away, I'll Be Back No More.
                    No ReGret.              
              That's What You Choose!       
Ξ Origin: 中正大學寂寞芳心小站  [FROM:]

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