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This page contains the string mappings to convert PmWiki's prompts into Chinese (UTF-8).
'xlpage-i18n' => 'utf-8', 'Locale' => 'zh_TW.utf8', 'TimeFmt' => '%Y 年 %m 月 %d 日,%I:%M %p', ### standard layout strings 'WikiSandbox' => '測試區', 'SearchWiki' => '搜尋', 'All Recent Changes' => '最近更新', 'Recent Changes' => '群組歷史', 'Printable View' => '列印預覽', 'Page History' => '本頁歷史', 'BackLink' => '參照', 'Edit Page' => '編輯本頁', 'WikiHelp' => '使用說明', 'Page last modified on $LastModified' => '本頁更新於 $LastModified', ### page locations 'PmWiki/WikiHelp' => 'PmWikiZhTw/WikiHelp', 'PmWiki.EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhTw.EditQuickReference', 'Main/SearchWiki' => 'PmWikiZhTw/SearchWiki', '$Group/HomePage' => '', #'$Group/RecentChanges' => '', # (Not yet implemented) 'Main/AllRecentChanges' => '', ### browse page strings 'redirected from' => '重新導向自', ### edit page strings 'Editing $PageName' => '正在編輯 $Utf8DecodePageName' 'Describe $Tlink here.' => '把 $Tlink 內容寫在這裡。', 'Save' => '存檔', 'Preview' => '預覽', 'Reset' => '重設', 'Summary' => '修改摘要', 'Author' => '作者', 'This is a minor edit' => '這是一個細微的更新版本', ### page history strings '$PageName History' => '$Utf8DecodePageName 更新歷程', 'Show minor edits' => '顯示細微的更新部份', 'Hide minor edits' => '隱藏細微的更新部份', 'Show changes to markup' => '顯示標記語言的改變', 'Show changes to output' => '顯示輸出樣式的改變', 'by' => '被', 'Restore' => '還原', 'Added line $DiffLines:' => '增加第 $DiffLines 行', 'Added lines $DiffLines:' => '增加 $DiffLines 行', 'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => '更新第 $DiffLines 行從:', 'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => '更新 $DiffLines 行從:', 'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => '刪除第 $DiffLines 行:', 'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => '刪除 $DiffLines 行:', 'to:' => '到', ### page attribute strings '$PageName Attributes' => '$Utf8DecodePageName 屬性', 'Set new read password:' => '設定新的讀取權限密碼:', 'Set new edit password:' => '設定新的寫入權限密碼:', 'Set new attribute password:' => '設定新的屬性密碼:', ### search strings 'Search' => '搜尋', 'Search Results' => '搜尋結果', 'SearchFor' => '<strong>$Needle</strong> 的搜尋結果', 'SearchFound' => '找到 $MatchCount 個網頁,共搜尋了 $MatchSearched 個網頁。', ### upload strings 'Attachments for' => '附件檔案為', 'File to upload:' => '上傳檔案:', 'Name attachment as:' => '檔案名稱:', 'Upload' => '上傳', 'PmWiki.UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhTw.UploadQuickReference', 'ULsuccess' => '上傳成功', 'ULbadname' => '無效的檔案名稱', 'ULbadtype' => ''$upext' 不是允許的檔案類型', 'ULtoobig' => '檔案太大,超過網站伺服器允許的最大位元組', 'ULtoobigext' => '檔案太大,超過 '$upext' 檔案類型允許的最大 $upextmax 位元組', 'ULpartial' => '檔案上傳沒有完成', 'ULnofile' => '檔案上傳失敗', 'ULexists' => '檔案名稱重複', 'ULpquota' => '超過群組配額', 'ULtquota' => '超過上傳配額', 'Set new upload password:' => '設定新的上傳密碼', ### preview strings 'Top' => '上端', NotesContributors