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One of the purposes of WikiGroups is to allow a WikiAdministrator to customize the features of PmWiki on a per-group basis. Here is where PerGroupCustomizations come into play. The local/ subdirectory (in the same directory that holds pmwiki.php ) is used to hold local configuration files. To perform LocalCustomizations for a particular WikiGroup, place the customizations in a file called "Group.php " (where Group is the actual name of the page group in question) in the local/ subdirectory. This file will be automatically processed after processing any LocalCustomizations in the config.php file.For example, to change the image displayed in the upper-left corner of pages in the "Chess" WikiGroup, one could create local/Chess.php containing <?php
This would cause all pages in the Chess WikiGroup to use "/myimages/chess.gif" as the logo image instead of the default.Almost any customization that would be placed in config.php can be used as a PerGroupCustomization.PmWiki also allows per-page customizations, simply use the full name of the page to be customized instead of the group. For example, one can use the file local/Chess.HomePage.php to set local customizations for Chess.HomePage.For all LocalCustomizations, PmWiki first processes the local/config.php file, and then looks for a per-page customization file in the local/ subdirectory to process. If there is no per-page customization file then PmWiki looks for a per-group customization, and if that doesn't exist it looks for a per-group customization file for the group given by the $DefaultGroup (usually "Main").WikiGroups can also be used to host multiple sites in a single PmWiki installation, see MultiHostWiki. << LayoutAdvanced | PmWiki.DocumentationIndex | PasswordsAdmin >> |