●獅吼文集 楔子? 佛法入門? 三藏經典? 修持正見? 法義討論? 實修儀軌? 名相淺釋? 佛教X檔案? 學佛心得? 佛教人物? ●其它 暫存區? 工作討論? 編輯選單 |
A free link is a page name reference that doesn't follow the WikiWord convention. Often, there is no natural WikiWord for naming a page. That's when {{free links}} (a page called free links) are useful. The {{text}} markup creates a link to a page called Text. The {{longer form}} markup creates a link to a page called LongerForm and displays as longer form.Other examples include:
The name of the page is always in Title Case. This means some pages may have multiple names. For example FreeLinks and {{free links}} are both references to FreeLinks.Free links can be used in combination with [[{{free links}} alternate text]] . This produces alternate text. The administrator can configure non-existent free links to display as (alternate text)? for greater clarity. << ImagesInWikiPages | PmWiki.DocumentationIndex | DeletePages >> |