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作者: ChenTim
標題: 這是對"無我"蠻棒的見解
時間: Mon Feb 16 01:37:50 2015

這是對"無我"蠻棒的見解, 貼上一小段無著比丘的著作(Perspectives on 
Satipatthana, Ch. V THE ELEMENTS)於下與各位分享:

An arahant neither takes the element as self nor has a sense of self based
on the element. The main point is the same: attachment and clinging have 
been overcome and thereby complete freedom has been gained. However, such 
freedom does not prevent the arahant from using the term "I". Thus the 
above strategy of seeing each element as "not I" and "not mine" is not 
aimed at the language one might use in regard to one's own body, but is 
intented to undermine and evetually eradicate completely any attachment or
clinging in the form of "I am this" or "this is mine".

主要的意思是: "無我"的認知不是文字上的, 而是為了要從"屬於我的這種牢固的思
想中"解脫, 目的是解脫, 而無我的認知是一種策略.

※ Origin: 台大獅子吼佛學專站 <http://buddhaspace.org> 
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