看板: BudaSitting ◎ 禪與靜坐    板主: prajna
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作者: Tyler (泰勒德頓) 看板: BudaSitting
標題: 略述毗缽舍那-18
時間: Thu Dec 19 01:36:56 2002

Mindfulness is an extremely difficult concept to define in words -- not
because it is complex, but because it is too simple and open. The same
problem crops up in every area of human experience. The most basic concept
is always the most difficult to pin down. Look at a dictionary and you
will see a clear example. Long words generally have concise definitions,
but for short basic words like 'the' and 'is', definitions can be a page
long. And in physics, the most difficult functions to describe are the most
basic--those that deal with the most fundamental realities of quantum
mechanics. Mindfulness is a pre-symbolic function. You can play with word
symbols all day long and you will never pin it down completely. We can never
fully express what it is. However, we can say what it does.



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