看板: BudaSitting ◎ 禪與靜坐    板主: prajna
閱讀文章: 第 80/511 篇 | 上篇 | 下篇 | 回覆 | 轉寄 | 轉貼 | m H d | 返回
作者: Tyler (泰勒德頓) 看板: BudaSitting
標題: 略述毗缽舍那-13
時間: Thu Dec 19 01:10:48 2002

Mindfulness is present time awareness. It takes place in the here and now.
It is the observance of what is happening right now, in the present moment.
It stays forever in the present, surging perpetually on the crest of the
ongoing wave of passing time. If you are remembering your second-grade
teacher, that is memory. When you then become aware that you are remembering
your second-grade teacher, that is mindfulness. If you then conceptualize the
process and say to yourself, "Oh, I am remembering", that is thinking.



獅子吼站 板面介紹:                                         cbs.ntu.edu.tw
學佛心得•酸甜苦辣留言版 - 釋放心靈的塵埃                     BudaFeeling
閱讀文章: 第 80/511 篇 | 上篇 | 下篇 | 回覆 | 轉寄 | 轉貼 | m H d | 返回

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