看板: BudaSitting ◎ 禪與靜坐    板主: prajna
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作者: Tyler (泰勒德頓) 看板: BudaSitting
標題: 略述毗缽舍那-9
時間: Wed Dec 18 14:56:09 2002

The Characteristics of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is mirror-thought. It reflects only what is presently happening
and in exactly the way it is happening. There are no biases.


Mindfulness is non-judgmental observation. It is that ability of the mind
to observe without criticism. With this ability, one sees things without
condemnation or judgment. One is surprised by nothing. One simply takes a
balanced interest in things exactly as they are in their natural states.
One does not decide and does not judge. One just observes. Please note that
when we say "One does not decide and does not judge," what we mean is that
the meditator observes experiences very much like a scientist observing an
object under the microscope without any preconceived notions, only to see
the object exactly as it is. In the same way the meditator notices
impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and selflessness.



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