看板: BudaSitting ◎ 禪與靜坐    板主: prajna
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作者: egofree (偶為尼祝福)
標題: 適當的節制 (二)
時間: 2003年 6月19日 19:19:54 星期四

This is an important point of practice for us. If we contemplate 
the holes and entrances of our nose and ears and the rest, we 
can see that they are all the same, just orifices filled with 
unclean substances. Or are any of them clean? So we should 
contemplate this in the way of Dhamma. The truly fearful is 
here, nowhere else. This is where we humans lose our minds.

孔竅,會發現他們其實大同小異,不過是身體的上的小洞,裡頭還藏污納垢。 所

Just this is a cause, a basic point of practice. I don’t feel 
that it’s necessary to ask a lot of questions of anyone or 
interview a lot. But we don’t investigate this point carefully. 
Sometimes I see monks heading off carrying the big glot, walking 
here and there under the hot sun, wandering through many 
provinces. When I watch them, I think, It must be fatiguing.


“Where are you going?”
“I’m seeking peace.” 
 I don’t have any answer for that. I don’t know where they can 
seek peace. I’m not disparaging them; I was like that too. I 
sought peace, always thinking it must be in some other place. 
Well, it was true, in a way. When I would get to some of those 
places, I was a little bit at ease. It seems people have to be 
like this. We always think some other place is comfortable and 
peaceful. When I was traveling I saw the dog in Pabhakaro’s 
house. They had this big dog. They really loved it. They kept it 
outside most of the time. They fed it outside, and it slept out 
there too, but sometimes it wanted to come inside, so it would 
go and paw at the door and bark.


That bothered the owner, so he would let it in, then close the 
door behind it. The dog would walk around inside the house for a 
while, and then it would get bored and want to go out again: 
back to the door, pawing and barking. So the owner would get up 
and go to let it out. It would be happy outside for a little 
while, and then want to come back in, barking at the door again.


When it was outside, it seemed like being inside would be 
better. Being inside was fun for a spell, then it was bored and 
had to go out again. The minds of people are like that--like a 
dog. They are always in and out, here and there, not really 
understanding where the place is that they will be happy.

出去不可,我們的心就像那樣- 就像那條狗,總是忙進忙出,這兒也不是,那兒也

If we have some awareness of this, then whatever thoughts and 
feelings arise in our minds, we will make efforts to quell them, 
recognizing that they are merely thoughts and feelings. The 
grasping attachment to them is really important.


※ Origin: 台大獅子吼佛學專站 <cbs.ntu.edu.tw> 
◆ From: !Hinet61.230
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