看板: BudaFood ◎ 健康飲食與養生之道    板主: forjjlu
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發信人: ambivalence@Lion (咫尺千里), 信區: BudaFood
標  題: Re: About vegetarian books
發信站: 獅子吼站 (Tue Feb 24 08:58:07 1998)
轉信站: Lion

==> 於 阿竹 (forjjlu@Lion) 文中述及:
: ==> 於 咫尺千里 (ambivalence@Lion) 文中述及:
: : in Taiwan now. But at least it's a good news for the people who are 
: : vegetarians and live in U.S.A. like me. The two books I have are 
: : " Vegetarin Children" and "Guide to Natural foods Restaurants in the 
: : U.S. and Canada". Those books were introduced originally from the 
: : "Vegetarin Times". If someone is interested in these stuff, please 
: : check their web site as follows: http://www.vegetariantimes.com
:                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
:   剛剛去大概逛了這個站, 好像就只有書單跟如何訂雜誌的介紹, 
:   非常的 com , 不愧是商業網.... 不過要買書訂雜誌的話的確是蠻有用的. :)
:   首頁的那盤料理看起來蠻好吃的... :)~~
     I also checked the web site last night. In addition to the subscription
     to that magazine, there are also some other links to another resource 
     about vegetarian stuff. Did you check it also?
                君子之交  其淡如水  執象而求  咫尺千里
                問余何適  廓爾忘言  華枝春滿  天心月圓

Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 <cbs.ntu.edu.tw> [FROM:]
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