看板: BudaFood ◎ 健康飲食與養生之道    板主: forjjlu
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發信人: forjjlu@Lion (阿竹), 信區: BudaFood
標  題: Re: About vegetarian books
發信站: 獅子吼站 (Mon Feb 23 16:39:57 1998)
轉信站: Lion

==> 於 咫尺千里 (ambivalence@Lion) 文中述及:
: in Taiwan now. But at least it's a good news for the people who are 
: vegetarians and live in U.S.A. like me. The two books I have are 
: " Vegetarin Children" and "Guide to Natural foods Restaurants in the 
: U.S. and Canada". Those books were introduced originally from the 
: "Vegetarin Times". If someone is interested in these stuff, please 
: check their web site as follows: http://www.vegetariantimes.com
  剛剛去大概逛了這個站, 好像就只有書單跟如何訂雜誌的介紹, 
  非常的 com , 不愧是商業網.... 不過要買書訂雜誌的話的確是蠻有用的. :)

  首頁的那盤料理看起來蠻好吃的... :)~~

▌﹀            ◢◣~      *  *           
▋ ﹀       ﹋   ﹋    *│*│﹍﹍  阿竹 
Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 <cbs.ntu.edu.tw> [FROM:]
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