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發信人: mail@Lion (傳統醫學快遞), 信區: TradMedicament 標 題: Re: [轉信]◆ 長生不死(帝釋天?)(agency) 發信站: 獅子吼站 (Thu Jun 20 16:29:52 1996) 轉信站: Lion v發信人: mefistofele@Maple (英國紳士), 信區: TraditionalMed 標 題: Re: [轉信]◆ 長生不死(帝釋天?)(agency) 發信站: 台大醫學院◎楓城杏話◎ (Mon Jun 17 08:51:43 1996) 轉信站: Maple (local) : To reverse aging, Fossel proposes three methods: (1) open delivery of : telomerase<終止分裂脢?><註> or a telomerase-like compound to cells, : <提供終止分裂脢?給細胞> (2) adding a sequence coding for telomerase to DNA : by a vector<利用載體vector將終止分裂脢密碼序列加入DNA中><僅適用於胚胎尚未分 : 化細胞>, and (3)unrepressing the endogeneous<生自內部的> telomerase sequence : that is not expressed in somatic(身體的) cells but is expressed in germ(幼芽 : ) cells<將成體內不作用的終止分裂脢基因序列解壓制, 使如在幼體時一樣表現>. : Fossel thinks that (3) is most likely to be successful (see also the posting : G.J. Griffits in March discussing these three methods). : Finally, Fossel optimistically (?) forecasts that first trials on animals 樂觀地預測 : will be conducted by the end of the decade, firs clinical trials by 2005 : and, by 2015, telomarase therapy should be available to most citizens in the : wealthier part of the world (i.e., G-7 countries). : vHere are a few questions that the book inspired. : 1. Should we take this book seriously? Are Fossel's predictions for : the timetable of the aging research at all realistic? I hope that more : knowledgeable readers of this newsgroup and researchers in the field, : in particular, also respond to this question (if you haven't read the book, : simply address the plausibility<似合理的解釋> of the telomerase theory). : 2. If cell division is used to replace worn-down cells with cells that are : capable of maintaining homeostasis<原狀穩定>, fight free radicals<抗自由基> : etc., what about cells that don't divide, such as neurons and some muscle : cells (if I remember correctly)? Shouldn't neurons wear down eventually and : thus impose a limit to lifespan<壽命>, even if we can sustain the : immortality of other cells by a telomarase inducer<誘因>? (I hope this is a : sensible question, though I have a feeling that I'm missing a simple point : somewhere). : 3. Is it plausible<似合理的> that we will be able to engineer a narrow : 'corridor'<走廊> in which we can induce enough telomarase to stop, or even : reverse, aging, but not enough to cause cancer<癌細胞為不死不分化且不斷分裂 : 的永生細胞> in cell? What is the 'limiting condition' for such a corridor? : The discussion between Jean-Pierra Issa of Johns Hopkins and Mike West of : Geron has been very useful, but I would love to see some third opinionsv : and/or a reiteration<重述> of the argument. : 4. For a college student (or anybody for that matter) who hopes to go : on and make a contribution in this fascinating field with massive social : implications, what type of graduate education would you recommend and why? : Obviously, this is related to the question which theory of aging is the : correct one, but I would appreciate any mentorship<輔導> or advice. 這們學問在學 biology 的人叫做 cell cycle : 註<telomere ; telomerase: telo終mere裂殖粒 -ase脢 姑且譯為終止分裂素;終止分 : 裂脢 尚期指正> about correct -- ※ 來源:•◎楓城杏話◎ bbs.mc.ntu.edu.tw•[FROM: gate.sinica.edu] -- Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 <ccbs.ntu.edu.tw> [FROM:] |
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