看板: BudaFood ◎ 健康飲食與養生之道    板主: forjjlu
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發信人: mail@Lion (傳統醫學快遞), 信區: TradMedicament
標  題: <轉信>Re: 指喻(clr)
發信站: 獅子吼站 (Sun Jun  2 11:18:38 1996)
轉信站: Lion

發信人: clr@Maple (Chang Li Ren), 信區: TraditionalMed
標  題: Re: 指喻
發信站: 台大醫學院◎楓城杏話◎ (Sun Jun  2 02:49:11 1996)
轉信站: Maple (local)

【 在 mefistofele@Maple (英國紳士) 的大作中提到: 】
: 計德國文課讀過指喻一文
: 說某人食指上長個小荳荳其實病在一身
: 可是文中並沒事什麼病
: 不知對是否確有這種病?

Maybe the patient had infection and didn't care it very well.
Some people with bad defese system such as Diabetes or AIDS
may suffer from untreated wounds,thus making infection disseminate
to the whole body.
    We didn't get enough data from the text. Maybe the wound was
just for example.

※ 來源:•◎楓城杏話◎ bbs.mc.ntu.edu.tw•[FROM:]
Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 <ccbs.ntu.edu.tw> [FROM: ccsun8.cc.ntu.e]
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