看板: BudaFood ◎ 健康飲食與養生之道    板主: forjjlu
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發信人: ckwang@Lion (樂中魂), 信區: BudaFood
標  題: Re: 請問"起士"是素食嗎??
發信站: 獅子吼站 (Sat Oct  6 00:37:52 2001)
轉信站: Lion

==> 於 希望之樹 (flybox@Lion) 文中述及:
:     請問"起士"是素食嗎???
:     之前問過同學....他覺得是
:     不過,他說他也不太清楚
:     所以,就來版上請教各位前輩
:     謝謝 :)    

All chess is made from milk,
but most of them also are solid by a kind of enzyme,
those enzyme are collected from calf's stomach,
and the collection way is to slaught the calf.

There are some new artifical enzymes,
If Chess is made by this way,
I think that is okay.
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