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發信人: "Web's Best Friend" <ratings@websbestfriend.com>, 看板: charity 標 題: Today's Content Quality Rating For tw.bbs.soc.charity 發信站: (Fri Mar 31 03:42:22 2006) 轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.isu!News.a6Crazy.twbbs.org!news.au!news.ntu!Spring The content quality of tw.bbs.soc.charity has been rated by its users at least once in the last 24 hours at WebsBestFriend.com. To rate this group's content and/or view up-to-the-second ratings, please visit: http://www.websbestfriend.com/getSiteRating.php?site=tw.bbs.soc.charity Group: tw.bbs.soc.charity Today's Rating: 5 All-Time Rating: 5 Web's Best Friend publishes daily ratings to rated newsgroups to assist users, software products, and search engines in both avoiding newsgroups with consistently problematic/irrelevant content and in finding those with relevant content. The idea is create a global flight to quality, decreasing readership of primarily spam/scam filled groups while increasing participation in quality groups. If you feel strongly (good or bad) about this group's content, or would like to see how other readers feel about it, please visit the group's rating page at: http://www.websbestfriend.com/getSiteRating.php?site=tw.bbs.soc.charity While you're there, you can also rate any URL (such as an auction, the quality of the person in an online dating profile, etc), chat rooms, Wikis - just about anything - and edit the description in realtime for all to see. *** Free account sponsored by SecureIX.com *** *** Encrypt your Internet usage with a free VPN account from http://www.SecureIX.com *** |
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