看板: charity ◎ 慈善事業動態    板主: Eudraco
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發信人: XWY@kkcity.com.tw (), 看板: charity
標  題: 關於"慈悲服務社"
發信站: KKCITY (Mon Jan 30 01:38:25 2006)
轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.isu!gem.nstdc.nthu!zoonews.ee.ntu!news.kkcity.com.
Origin: bbs.kkcity.com.tw

※Who We Are我們是誰?
The Compassionate Service Society is a non-profit 501 (C)3
Organization based in southern California,USA. CSS was founded by
Master Ce Hang Truong in 2004. Though founded on Buddhist
principles, CSS takes an ecumenical and all-inclusive approach
that transcends religious and cultural boundaries. By integrating
the ancient teachings of Buddhism with the best of 21st century
thought, practices, philosophies, and knowledge, CSS seeks to
bring unity and healing to the body, mind and spirit.
通過綜合佛教古老的教學理論和廿一世紀極善的思潮,實踐,哲學和知識, 慈悲服務社最終目標是促使人們在身、心、靈的融合一體及提供治療。

Our goal is to facilitate the practice of Bodhisattva ideals
(altruism) and to promote holistic living.

l. Beginner Meditation & Yoga Classes初級打坐及瑜珈課程:
This class teaches basic yoga poses and holistic tai chi exercises
(bring balance and harmony to the body and mind). Empha-
sis is geared more towards physical health and relaxation, as
well as Beginning Level meditation techniques. This class is also
offered monthly in San Jose, CA.

2. Intermediate Meditation & Yoga Class中級打坐及瑜珈課程::
This class begins with warm ups of intermediate level yoga pos-
tures that invigorate the mind and body as an essential prepa-
ration for meditation.

※Charity Eents慈善活動:
CSS has sponsored various events for charitable and humanitarian causes for other non-profit organizations such as:

1. Children Helping Children Charity Concert for Handicapped Children in Vietnam
2. Vegetarian Barbecue for Orphaned/Blind Children in Vietnam
3. Yosemite Jamboree:
This annual summer event has been a great opportunity for family,
community and spiritual interactions. In 2004 nearly 200 participants joined in on the fun oetdoor activities such as hiking and rafting in the vast and inapiring beauty of nature.

4. Celgbration of Buddha’s Birthday:
On May 16,2004, we celebrated the Buddha’s 2548th birthday with over 300 guests. The event included the Bathing of the Buddha ceremony and festive oncert led by our youth group.

Services Group服務組:
CSS’ Services Group consists of dedicated volunteers who give their time, energy and care towards organizing CSS sponsored events and giving service to the 吶mmunity. Volunteers not only give service, but practice holistic living a well.

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