看板: BudaSitting ◎ 禪與靜坐    板主: prajna
閱讀文章: 第 77/511 篇 | 上篇 | 下篇 | 回覆 | 轉寄 | 轉貼 | m H d | 返回
作者: Tyler (泰勒德頓) 看板: BudaSitting
標題: 略述毗缽舍那-10
時間: Thu Dec 19 00:48:17 2002

It is psychologically impossible for us to objectively observe what is
going on within us if we do not at the same time accept the occurrence of
our various states of mind. This is especially true with unpleasant states
of mind. In order to observe our own fear, we must accept the fact that we
are afraid. We can't examine our own depression without accepting it fully.
The same is true for irritation and agitation, frustration and all those
other uncomfortable emotional states. You can't examine something fully if
you are busy reflecting its existence. Whatever experience we may be having,
Mindfulness just accepts it. It is simply another of life's occurrences,
just another thing to be aware of. No pride, no shame, nothing personal at
stake--what is there, is there.


獅子吼站 板面介紹:                                         cbs.ntu.edu.tw
教育板, 關懷教人成人的百年志業 (本站精華區完備歡迎參閱)         Education
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