看板: BudaSitting ◎ 禪與靜坐    板主: prajna
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作者: egofree (偶為尼祝福)
標題: 適當的節制 (三)
時間: 2003年 6月23日 15:16:33 星期一

So even though we are living in the monastery, we are still far away 
from correct practice—very far away. When I went abroad I saw a lot of 
things. The first time, I gained some wisdom from it to a certain 
extent, and the second time to another extent. On my first trip, I made 
notes of what I experienced in a journal. But this time, I put down the 
pen. I thought, if I write these things down, will the people at home be 
able to bear it?

即使我們住在寺裡,還是偏離了正確的修行- 好遠好遠,身在國外的日子,目睹了
途中的所見所聞,這回,我卻停了筆, 心想:要是寫了下來,能見容於國人嗎?

It’s like us living in our own country and not being very comfortable. 
When Thai people go abroad, they think they must have some very good 
karma to have gotten there. But you have to consider, when you go to a 
place that is strange to you, will you be able to compete with those who 
have lived their whole lives there? Still, we go there for a little 
while and we feel it is so great, and that we are some special kind of 
people who have such good karma.


The foreign monks were born there, so does that mean they have better 
karma than we do? This is the kind of ideas people get from their 
attachment and grasping. What it means is that when people contact 
things, they get excited. They like being excited. But when the mind is 
excited it is not in a normal state. We see things we haven’t seen and 
experience things we haven’t experienced, and the abnormality occurs.


When it comes to scientific knowledge, I concede to them. As far as 
Buddhist knowledge goes, I still have something to tell them. But in 
science and material development, we can’t compete with them…


In practice, some people have a lot of suffering and difficulty, but 
they keep on in the same rut that has been making them suffer. That’s 
someone who hasn’t made up his mind to practice and get to the end; it’
s someone who doesn’t see clearly.


The practice isn’t steady or continuous. When feelings of good and bad 
come, the person isn’t aware of what is happening. “Whatever is 
disagreeable, I reject”—this is the view (conceit) of the Brahmin. 
“Whatever is pleasing to me, I accept.” For example, some people are 
very easy to get along with if you speak pleasingly to them. But if you 
say things that disagree, then there’s no getting along. That’s 
extreme conceit (ditthi). They have strong attachment, but they feel 
that’s a really good standard to live by. 

此一修行方式,不穩固,或者難以持續,順逆現前時,無法正知當下。 「不可意的
事,我排斥。」 這是婆羅門的想法(見)。 「可意的事,我接受」,舉個例來說,

So the ones who will walk this path are few indeed. It’s not different 
with us who live here; there are very few who have right view. Samma 
ditthi, right view (kwam hen chorp): when we contemplate the Dhamma, we 
feel it’s not right. We don’t agree. If we agreed and felt it were 
right, we would give up and let go of things. Sometimes we don’t agree 
with the teachings. We see things differently; we want to change the 
Dhamma to be different from what it is. We want to correct the Dhamma, 
and we keep working at that.

所以,走在正道的人,真得少之又少,他們和我們一樣,擁有正見(Samma ditthi)

This trip made me think about many things… I met some people who 
practice yoga. It was certainly interesting to see the kinds of postures 
they could get into—I’d break my leg if I tried. Anyhow, they feel 
their joints and muscles aren’t right, so they have to stretch them 
out. They need to do it every day, then they feel good. I thought they 
were actually giving themselves some affliction through this. If they 
don’t do it, they don’t feel good, so they have to do it every day. It 
seems to me that they are making some burden for themselves this way and 
not really being aware.

真是有趣極了- 要是我的話,早把骨頭弄斷了。不知怎得,他們覺得筋骨那兒不

That’s the way people are—they get the habit of doing something. I met 
one Chinese man. He didn’t lie down to sleep for four or five years. He 
only sat, and he was comfortable that way. He bathed once a year. But 
his body was strong and healthy. He didn’t need to run or do other such 
exercises; if he did, he probably wouldn’t feel good. It’s because he 
trained himself that way.

他們就是這個樣子- 習慣如此。我遇見一位中國男子,四五年來奉行不倒單,只是

So it’s just our manner of training that makes us comfortable with 
certain things. We can increase or decrease illness through training. 
This is how it is for us. Thus the Buddha taught to be fully aware of 
ourselves—don’t let this slip. All of you, don’t have grasping 
attachment. Don’t let yourselves be excited by things.

也可以怯除病痛,它就是這麼回事。所以,佛陀教導我們對自己了了分明- 別漏掉


  I was empty inside   since somebody came and went..
  I am empty inside    since nobody comes and goes.....
              I will be truly empty inside
  When the day I set free from century-old attachment
   and the day I no longer learn.... 

※ Origin: 台大獅子吼佛學專站 <cbs.ntu.edu.tw> 
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