看板: BudaFood ◎ 健康飲食與養生之道    板主: forjjlu
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發信人: ambivalence@Lion (咫尺千里), 信區: BudaFood
標  題: Re: 便秘嗎?
發信站: 獅子吼站 (Sun Apr  4 09:31:11 1999)
轉信站: Lion

==> 於   染香   (Shishimaru@Lion) 文中述及:
: ==> 於 咫尺千里 (ambivalence@Lion) 文中述及:
: :      Alfalfa is also a good stuff. Maybe you can try it if 
:        ~~~~~~~
:        線上即時翻譯:紫花苜蓿.
        Thanks for your translation because I don't have Chinese 
        system in my computer...:) Usually I call it--"Mu-Su Ya".
        It's very easy to grow it, but it needs patience..Apparently
        I am not kind of such a person...:)
:        眉批:沒吃過. :D
: :      it is not expensive in the supermarket. One small box
: :      is 49 cents (around 16 NT dollars)....
                君子之交  其淡如水  執象而求  咫尺千里
                問余何適  廓爾忘言  華枝春滿  天心月圓

Ξ 獅子吼站 版面介紹:                                          cbs.ntu.edu.tw
 佛法求助哇啦啦 - 別害羞, 儘管問喔!                                BudaHelp
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