看板: BudaFood ◎ 健康飲食與養生之道 板主: forjjlu |
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發信人: mail@Lion (傳統醫學快遞), 信區: TradMedicament 標 題: ● About 古本傷寒論 發信站: 獅子吼站 (Thu Jun 20 16:27:30 1996) 轉信站: Lion 發信人: armstrong@Maple (armstrong), 信區: TraditionalMed 標 題: About 古本傷寒論 發信站: 台大醫學院◎楓城杏話◎ (Sat Jun 15 11:34:14 1996) 轉信站: Maple (local) 【 在 clr@Maple (Chang Li Ren) 的大作中提到: 】 : What kind of study group ? Combining Chinese and western medicine : Do you mean Chinese literature department ? : Medicine srudents seldom know much about ancient Chinese words : especially in Huang-Ti Nei Jing : Do you mean clinical effect ? : How to evaluate them ? : or just subjectively improved? : I know it is difficult to answer, but since we are to be : clinicians, these should be thought everyday in our mind? : I have thought them for many yearsbut I can't get any answer. : Please.please reply if you can give me suggestions. Mr.Ren: We group have studied 傷寒論for ten years. There are western and Chinese physicians, physicist, as well as medical students who are really interested in Chinese internal medicine. We have routine discussion every 2 weeks. In fact, we still have some problems to translate the ancient Chinese words into modern medical terms. Hence, we hope somebody good at 訓詁學could join us. As for 傷寒論療效,we not yetpublish the papers. Now It's more subjectively improved in hepatitis therapy. -- ※ 來源:•◎楓城杏話◎ bbs.mc.ntu.edu.tw•[FROM:] -- Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 <ccbs.ntu.edu.tw> [FROM:] |
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