看板: BudaFood ◎ 健康飲食與養生之道 板主: forjjlu |
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發信人: mail@Lion (傳統醫學快遞), 信區: TradMedicament 標 題: <轉信>Re: 請問尿療法對 癌症 的效用.....(clr) 發信站: 獅子吼站 (Sun Jun 2 11:21:41 1996) 轉信站: Lion 發信人: clr@Maple (Chang Li Ren), 信區: TraditionalMed 標 題: Re: 請問尿療法對 癌症 的效用..... 發信站: 台大醫學院◎楓城杏話◎ (Sun Jun 2 03:05:22 1996) 轉信站: Maple (local) 【 在 helpme@Maple (需要幫助的人) 的大作中提到: 】 : 近來父親去開刀發現是 肺癌中的 腺癌, 目前正式的醫學報告中沒有好的 : 方法可以治療, 此種癌的五年存活率己經不到 30% 了, 可是最近卻聽說 : 尿療法有某方面的效用, 所以希望對此有了解的朋友可以告訴我相關的資 : 訊, 或者有其它有關治療 癌症 的方法, 那怕是一些"偏方"我都願意去嘗 : 試!! 在下感激不盡 謝謝!! Urine therapy is still controversal because there is still no convincing evidence. If you want to know somethin, there are many books translated from Japanese describing the effect of Uring therapy. As for cancer, I don't know if urine along can treat every kind of cancer. If so, why do king die? By the way, how much urine do you need to treat the lung cancer? I think no one knows the real data. As for other treatment,I think you can try from liscenced doctor and under the monitor of western medicine to evaluate your fathers liver,kidney function.Chest X ray or bronchoscope may also help. But never believe the drug that "said" to be effective, because it may not be the indication.Supportive treatment or symptomatic treatment can be acheived by both kind of medicine. But when your father's disease went downhill quickly,sedin him to the emergency room is necessary unless you want him not to accept any management or your father doesn't want to have any management. -- ※ 來源:•◎楓城杏話◎ bbs.mc.ntu.edu.tw•[FROM:] -- Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站 <ccbs.ntu.edu.tw> [FROM: ccsun8.cc.ntu.e] |
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