¬ÝªO: BudaFood ¡· °·±d¶¼­¹»P¾i¥Í¤§¹D    ªO¥D: forjjlu
¾\Ū¤å³¹¡G ²Ä 1567/2813 ½g | ¤W½g | ¤U½g | ¦^ÂÐ | Âà±H | Âà¶K | m H d | ªð¦^
µo«H¤H: mail@Lion (¶Ç²ÎÂå¾Ç§Ö»¼), «H°Ï: TradMedicament
¼Ð  ÃD: <Âà«H>µo«H¤H: clr@Maple (Chang Li Ren), «H°Ï: TraditionalMed
µo«H¯¸: ·à¤l§q¯¸ (Tue May 14 21:09:23 1996)
Âà«H¯¸: Lion

¼Ð  ÃD: Re: <Âà«H>¡» ½Ð°Ý:¦³Ãö¿}§¿¯f......(linda)
µo«H¯¸: ¥x¤jÂå¾Ç°|¡··¬«°§ö¸Ü¡· (Mon May 13 18:15:20 1996)
Âà«H¯¸: Maple (local)
¡i ¦b mail@Maple (¶Ç²ÎÂå¾Ç§Ö»¼) ªº¤j§@¤¤´£¨ì: ¡j
:  §@ªÌ  linda (linda)                                        ¬ÝªO  CHIME
:  ¼ÐÃD  ½Ð°Ý:¦³Ãö¿}§¿¯f......
:  ®É¶¡  Wed Apr 10 16:21:42 1996
: ¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢
:              §ÚªºªB¤Íªºª¨ª¨¦³¿}§¿¯f
:              ¸g¹L¤@­Ó¬K°²
:              ª¨ª¨Åܱo½G½Gªº
:              ¤j®a³£«Ü¾á¤ß
:              ©Ò¥H§Ú·Q°Ý¤@¤U
:              °£¤F¦èÂ媺ªvÀø¤è¦¡¥~
:              ¶Ç²Îªº¤¤Âå¬O¤£¬O¤]¦³¨Ç§®¤è????
Reply from Chang Li Ren, a M5 student.
        In my opinion,if you want to control DM(¿}§¿¯f) with the Chinese
traditional medicine, you should accept western medicine as well. DM has many
complications such as retinopathy(causing blindness), neprhopathy(causing
swellin of feet, and neuropathy(causing numbness). In acut stage like your
friend's father, control with insulin (¯Ø®q¯À) or oral hypoglycemic agents
is necessary and it can prevent the complication of coma and ketoacidosis.
There is no definite conclusion about the effect of herb medicine to control
DM(Note:I use 'control' , not 'cure'). If you want to try, look for a licensed
and qualified doctor and it would be better if he also has western medicine
knowledge. Good luck.
¡° ¨Ó·½:¡E¡··¬«°§ö¸Ü¡· bbs.mc.ntu.edu.tw¡E[FROM:]
£Q Origin: ·à¤l§q¯¸ <ccbs.ntu.edu.tw> [FROM: ccsun43.cc.ntu.]
¾\Ū¤å³¹¡G ²Ä 1567/2813 ½g | ¤W½g | ¤U½g | ¦^ÂÐ | Âà±H | Âà¶K | m H d | ªð¦^

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