No Deal

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發信人: Chosen@Lion (修融), 信區: BudaFeeling
標  題: No Deal
發信站: 獅子吼站 (Tue Sep  7 12:24:20 1999)
轉信站: Lion

                            No   Deal

         The grave mistake I made was approching you
         thinking that I can help you ...oh I made mistake
         Someone doesn't need to be help like you  Cos' you
         think you'er the greatest  no one can compare with
         Can't teach you much  Cos' you may  take it to
         improve your smart

         Smart doesn't good  Smart doesn't mean that you know
         what should you do
         If you exactly sure  then you sould know that many people
         are the same with you
         Of course  they can compare with you

         So sorry  I'm afraid of being out of you
         of course you can call me if you needed to
         but the same words I say till you find that or
         you don't have to  As you like  I don't care

         Comparing  oh comparing  come on comparing...
         too tired to do it.....

         There too many thing you denied   that's OK
         I don't wanna know why  If you like you could deny
         everything including your life...
         but I hope  oneday you could know why  why everyone you
         like treating you like a horrible shit.....fine.....

         Stop asking me why  That's your lessons not mine
         Stop asking me why  The answer there only you can find

▲▲▲   ╮╔╯  ╰╦═╭══╗╔═╮╰═╗╭    
███ ═╬╬═╮╔╬╮    ╭╯║  ║  ╭╯║    ▲▲▲
◥█◤ ╭╬╬═╝║║╠══╬═╣  ║╭╬═╣    ███   臺大佛學研究中心
  Ξ     ║╠═╗║║║╰═╩╯║  ║    ◥█◤    獅子吼佛教專站   
  ╰◣ ╰╝╰═╩╯║  ╰═╯      ╰═╯  ╚═╯◢Ξ     歡迎加入交流討論  
Ξ Origin: 獅子吼站          ◎ 慈悲沒有敵人.智慧不起煩惱 ◎

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