Mr. Steven Thair

Steven Thair 先生在 2007 年冬天拜訪印度菩提伽耶菩提樹時,菩提樹的種子莢掉至他前方,經由允許下,他將種子帶回加拿大種植,種出約 15 株菩提樹小苗,於 2008/8 約 3 英吋高,歡迎有緣人索取種植。

From: Steven Thair


when i was sitting under the bodhi tree in bodh gaya this past winter, a seed pod fell in front of me. the guide said i was welcome to it. he told me the legend that whenever a new tree is planted one person will attain enlightenment while seated under it.

i have about 15 seedlings now, about three inches high. anyone interested in one may contact me.

i live in saskatoon, canada. anyone knowing how to winter ficus religioso in severe climate please let me know how.

Thank you

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