Basic markup
Tables are created via use of the double pipe character:
. Lines beginning with this markup denote the beginning of table rows. Appearance of this character within a line denotes table cells. A border has been added to this table for visual purposes; default border width is 0.
Example 1. Basic table.
This markup:
|| border=1
|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||
|| cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||
creates this table:
cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 |
cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 |
Alignment of cell contents
Cell contents may be aligned left, centered, or aligned right.
- To left-align contents, place the cell contents next to the leading
- To center contents, add a space before and after the cell contents.
- To right-align contents, place a space before the cell contents and leave the cell contents next to the trailing
Example 2. Changing alignment of cell contents.
This markup:
|| border=1 width=100%
||cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3||
||left-aligned || centered || right-aligned||
creates this table:
cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 |
left-aligned | centered | right-aligned |
Column headings
Column headings in tables are created using an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the cell. Headings can also be aligned left, centered, or aligned right.
||border='1' width='100%'
||!head 1 ||! head 2 ||! head 3||
||cell 1 || cell 2 || cell 3||
head 1 | head 2 | head 3 |
cell 1 | cell 2 | cell 3 |
The first row of a table can be a caption, denoted by exclamation points at the beginning and end of the cell.
||border='1' width='100%'
||!table caption!||
||!head1 ||! head2 ||! head3||
||cell1 || cell2 || cell3||
table caption
head1 | head2 | head3 |
cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
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