
Re: HI!
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發信站: 由 獅子吼站 收信 (ccstudent.ee.ntu.edu.tw , 信區: BudaTech)
On Fri, 13 Sep 1996, Tony Leung wrote:

> 	That's excellent homepage i have never seen, well that's a good way for
> learning buddhism in the internet, well i hope to learn more in the net.
> However i found so many things i don't understand from those books, well
> how can i ask and how can i solve those problem??? 

    獅子吼 BBS 站( 過一陣子將遷到 的永久位址)
的 BudaHelp 版可以諮詢喔! 我們有請農禪寺的果光法師以及台中蔡老師幫忙做回答,
有時線上的朋友也會參與討論 :)

    您可以試著 telnet 並且註冊, 就可以啦.
( If you are not familiar with BBS and want to ask via e-mail,
   you can alse tell me. Therefore, you would e-mail to me,
   and I'll forward your questions to those teachers. )

> 	Would u mind to send me some news or articles to my E-mail later on if
> u??

    以前是有一個「佛教新消息」的 mail alias, 我們在想將之與
獅子吼站的 BudaInfo 版結合, 不過到目前都還沒找到會寫這部份程
式的人, 所以就暫停了. 

> I'm living in New Zealand and i'm hong kong people, well i can only read
> chinese from the net but i can't type any chinese characters, sorry
> about that using English.

    That's ok :)

> 	Well, i do suggest putting some *wav file on your net as well that will
> make it perfect either than the reading.
    wav 檔比較大, 可能會讓傳輸更慢, 所以並沒有放上. 我在「人間淨土WWW」
本來有放上 MIDI 背景音樂, 不過後來考慮到很多人並不會裝音效卡, 這麼做那些沒有
音效卡的人每次上站都會比較麻煩, 所以後來也取消了.
(一方面是那個 MIDI 音樂是古典音樂的泰伊斯冥想曲, 用一般的電腦放出來
  不好聽, 要有音源卡才好, 而一般人都沒有音源卡. 而我一時也沒找到適合
  擺在該更的其他效果較好的 MIDI 檔, 所以就先取消啦:) )

> I'm looking for hearing from you soon. i hope your page will be more
> excellent and spend to the whole world to learing Buddism

    Thank you very much!


   E-mail: b83050@cctwin.ee.ntu.edu.tw ; david@math.ncu.edu.tw
   邱大剛, Junior of Electrical Engineering Department,NTU.  【台大電機三】
 HomePage: http://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~b83050            【剛剛出爐的烘培雞】
      BBS: telnet://cbs.ntu.edu.tw                         【台大獅子吼站】
Sat Sep 14 00:06:39 1996
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