¬ÝªO: medicine ¡· ÂåÀø«O°·    ªO¥D: dave5
¾\Ū¤å³¹¡G ²Ä 3570/4276 ½g | ¤W½g | ¤U½g | ¦^ÂÐ | Âà±H | Âà¶K | m H d | ªð¦^
µo«H¤H: MI5Victim@mi5.gov.uk, ¬ÝªO: medicine
¼Ð  ÃD: MI5 Persecution: £20,000 Reward (2916)
µo«H¯¸:  (Fri Jan 19 08:32:07 2007)
Âà«H¯¸: Lion!news.nsysu!ctu-gate!news.nctu!newsfeed.berkeley.edu!ucberkeley!new

20,000 Reward Offered to Expose the Conspiracy

I am making a pledge for information directly leading to the exposing of the "BBC Newscaster
Conspiracy". The exposing would specifically need to lead to a legally binding admission from Martyn Lewis
or Michael Buerk of the BBC they they were watching me through the TV set.

I would be happy (delighted, in fact) to pay GBP 20,000 sterling in reward for the above admission.


Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
¾\Ū¤å³¹¡G ²Ä 3570/4276 ½g | ¤W½g | ¤U½g | ¦^ÂÐ | Âà±H | Âà¶K | m H d | ªð¦^

Éà ¥x¤j·à¤l§q¦ò¾Ç±M¯¸  http://buddhaspace.org