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發信人: Pat Flannery <flanner@daktel.com>, 看板: history
標  題: Re: interested in wombats
發信站: Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews. (Tue Nov 28 12:50:24 2006)
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Ben Crowell wrote:

> wombat@fancier.net wrote:
>> Can someone tell me whether Wombats live only in Australia,
>> or also on other continents?

Wombats... the Wombat has a brown furry coating, four flippers, and a
beak for eating Eucalyptus leaves.
It lives in the great billabongs of Australia, and feasts on the
helpless Platypus for dessert, after stuffing its little marsupial mouth
so full of Eucalyptus leaves that it is ready to throw down (held in
captivity in northern latitude zoos, it, of course, throws up).
Wombats are dangerous! If you see one, say: "Beware! There are Wombats!".

Harry Butler
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