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發信人: jsandjs.bbs@bbs.csie.ncu.edu.tw (js), 看板: education 標 題: Re: 國內航務發展回顧 光機電所演講 4/27(訂正) 發信站: 中央大學松濤風情資訊站 (Wed Apr 25 20:50:13 2007) 轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!cbs.ntu!cbsnews!news.iyard.org!iyardnews!news.ccu!ctu-g Origin: bbs.csie.ncu.edu.tw > ==>發信人: tlyeh@Evergreen (aliang), 信區: Education > "I hope the students will ask their questions > then the answer will be more interesting to them." > ----- 翻譯一下好嗎? -- ∫music d life = ∫life d music -- ◎ Origin: 中央松濤站□bbs.csie.ncu.edu.tw From: 61-230-225-244.dynamic.hinet. |
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