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發信人: "thegoodoil" <info@lucjasgateway.com.au>, 看板: advancededu 標 題: Migrants tourists backpackers the exciting caravan alternative accom 發信站: BigPond Internet Services (Wed Sep 27 17:16:27 2006) 轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.cis.nctu!ctu-peer!news.nctu!news.glorb.com!quokka. Origin: Handymans gift, a week of work and a going caravan completely portable living, park anywhere all over Australia and you have all the comforts of modern living.1 double bunk ,can be 2 with kitchen and 3 singles. A home away from home wherever you stop. And with a port a potty even the girls will like it. AUD$6500 Needs work but first to see will buy. 0434 445 109 pauljones@rock.com The conservative alternative below. Migrants looking to set up business or just move to Australia for help with housing, property purchase and development, or just a house and land package for investment or as a home. Tourists, travelers , backpackers trying to stretch the dollar. http://www.lucjasgateway.com.au/index.html and just where everything is in the scheme of thing when it's Melbourne. http://www.lucjasgateway.com.au/melbtrav.html |
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卍 台大獅子吼佛學專站 http://buddhaspace.org |