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發信人: "thegoodoil" <info@lucjasgateway.com.au>, 看板: advancededu
標  題: Migrants tourists backpackers the exciting  caravan alternative accom
發信站: BigPond Internet Services (Wed Sep 27 17:16:27 2006)
轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.cis.nctu!ctu-peer!news.nctu!news.glorb.com!quokka.

Handymans gift, a week of work and a  going caravan completely portable
living, park anywhere all over Australia  and you have all the comforts of
modern living.1 double bunk ,can be 2 with kitchen and 3 singles.

A home away from home wherever you stop. And with a port a potty even the
girls will like it.

AUD$6500  Needs work but  first to see will buy.

0434 445 109


The conservative alternative below.

Migrants looking to set up business or just move to Australia for help with
housing, property purchase and development, or just a house and land package
for investment or as a home.

Tourists, travelers , backpackers trying to stretch the dollar.


and just where everything is in the scheme of thing when it's Melbourne.

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