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發信人: maskzero.bbs@bbs.cs.nccu.edu.tw (笑盡英雄), 看板: education 標 題: Re: 【轉貼】一位華裔美國教授對台灣追求全球百大大學的報 發信站: 貓空行館 (Wed Feb 22 18:56:03 2006) 轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.isu!gem.nstdc.nthu!zoonews.ee.ntu!bbs.ee.ntu!news. 寫得很客觀 但是能夠聽得進去的 應該不多..... 其實跟國內的反對意見差不多 不過 錢嘛 談到都傷感情 尤其是礙人錢路.....(唉 人家教授跟官員 一堆親人都要養 這......) 不知道為什麼 小弟鼻子有點癢癢的 忽然想哭了..... 真是同情台灣教授幾乎從不解聘的『微薄』薪水...... 這五百億 也許可以幫助許多台大教授 進入鴻禧山莊 或購買信義區的房屋.... 不但養家活口 而且還可刺激經濟發展 還可以讓遠在美國英國日本的子女過快樂的... 與全國數百所 每年要花五十億預算的偏遠小學『拖油瓶』比起來 如果小弟是官員 自然也會選擇對自己『未來』有幫助的台大教授群...... 唉.....官字兩個口 養家不容易啊...... 好 就這麼決定了 無論如何 五百億一定要通過 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ※ 引述《tlyeh.bbs@bbs.csie.ncu.edu.tw (aliang)》之銘言: > ※本文轉貼自 NCUmala 板※ > 發信人: tlyeh@Evergreen (aliang), 信區: NCUmala > 標 題: 一位華裔美國教授對台灣追求全球百大大學的報導 > 發信站: 中央大學松濤風情資訊站 (Wed Feb 22 10:22:22 2006) > 另外 葉永[火宣]教授 再 科學人 2006,1 受訪所講的一些有關 學術卓越 與 教育目標 > 的話 出自這樣一位 學術卓越的學者口中 還真是 坦率 深刻 > 畢竟是 真正有 文化涵養 > (誰能找到 電子檔啊 分享一下吧) > ---- > Subject: Ambitious Effort of Republic of China (Taiwan) to > Establish "International First Rate Universities" in the 21st Century > From: "Feng, Da H" <fengd@utdallas.edu> Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:34:28 -0600 > Ambitious Effort of Republic of China (Taiwan) to Establish > “International First Rate Universities” in the 21st Century > Da Hsuan Feng > Vice President for Research and Economic Development > The University of Texas at Dallas > http://www.utdallas.edu/research > Unfortunately, I cannot find from the websites of these universities links > to discuss their strategies in achieving this lofty goal. While the one > from NTU is very comprehensive, it is stand-alone, and is in Chinese. > However, it is a worthwhile reading because it outlines how NTU intends > to leverage this infusion of funds to transform it in the coming years. > More Details about this program > Beyond FIVE years? > There is of course the interesting question as to what happens after the > FIFTH year? After all, “excellence development” should/must be > on-going and therefore how to sustain its growth is a profound question. > In many outstanding institutions in the United States, especially the > private ones and now more and more public ones as well, one part of the > formula to accomplish this is by developing significant > “endowments.” Indeed, there is a growing importance of the > “Office of Development” in universities, even the public ones. For > example, the extreme case is Harvard University, which has an > endowment of over $20 Billion US! For public universities, there is > more and more a perception (and probably mixed in with quite a bit of > reality) that great universities such as the University of Michigan is more > “private” than “public”. -- ╭ From: ◎──────────╮ └──◎ Origin:政大資科˙貓空行館 bbs.cs.nccu.edu.tw ┘ |
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