看板: charity ◎ 慈善事業動態    板主: Eudraco
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發信人: MI5Victim@mi5.gov.uk, 看板: charity
標  題: MI5 Persecution: Troubling Censorship Issues 20/8/95 (3387)
發信站: Altopia Corp. - Usenet Access - www.altopia (Wed Feb 28 02:11:54 2007)
轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!news.ccu!ctu-peer!news.nctu!news.glorb.com!news.alt.net

Fred Read (postmaster@foxhouse.demon.co.uk) wrote:

: He posts this drivel every week or so to a number of groups that
: I subscribe to and nothing seems to stop him. *ALL* of his posts
: are off topic and unwelcome to the groups he posts to.

: We have complained about him to his postmaster on at least four
: previous occasions and he still posts the same crap. As his SP
: seem unwilling, or unable, to do anything about him, we were
: windering if there was anything you could do?

If he is not actively using tactics to avoid or sabotage killfiles
(posting from various systems, forging, massive crossposting to create
cross-newsgroup flame wars) then it should be quite easy to killfile

It does seem that the frequency and the size of his posts are
approaching net abuse.  However, IMHO, they aren't quite there yet. If
his postmaster were to act in this instance, it would raise troubling
censorship issues.

Karen Lofstrom                                     lofstrom@lava.net
       "Adventures for those of the inadmissable kind,
        with no follow through."
            ---  a flaming bonzo beckwithian idiot

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