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發信人: lauw.bbs@ptt.cc (新港解說營) 看板: astronomy
標  題: [新聞] 報應女神」讓恐龍滅絕!NASA努力尋找兇手!
發信站: 批踢踢實業 (2010/03/16 Tue 00:02:48)










信太陽系被一層巨大的冰體雲團奧爾特雲(Oort Cloud)包圍,而「報應女神」的引力會








Invisible star 'shooting comets at Earth'
By Paul Sutherland at The Sun From: NewsCore March 12, 2010

The dinosaurs may have died because an invisible brown dwarf star is throwing
snowballs at us / AFP Source: AFP
Brown dwarf could have caused mass extinctions
Star is invisible and a long way away
But heat-seeking telescope may find it

AN invisible star responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs may be circling
the Sun and causing comets to bombard the Earth, scientists said.

The brown dwarf - up to five times the size of Jupiter - could be to blame
for mass extinctions that occur here every 26 million years, The Sun reports.

The star - nicknamed Nemesis by NASA scientists - would be invisible as it
only emits infrared light and is incredibly distant. Nemesis is believed to
orbit our solar system at 25,000 times the distance of the Earth to the Sun.

As it spins through the galaxy, its gravitational pull drags icy bodies out
of the Oort Cloud - a vast sphere of rock and dust twice as far away as

These "snowballs" are thrown towards Earth as comets, causing devastation
similar to the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Now NASA scientists believe they will be able to find Nemesis using a new
heat-seeking telescope that began scanning the skies in January.

The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer - expected to find a thousand brown
dwarf stars within 25 light years of the Sun - has already sent back a photo
of a comet possibly dislodged from the Oort Cloud.

Scientists' first clue to the existence of Nemesis was the bizarre orbit of a
dwarf planet called Sedna. Scientists believe its unusual, 12,000-year-long
oval orbit could be explained by a massive celestial body.

Mike Brown, who discovered Sedna in 2003, said: "Sedna is a very odd object -
it shouldn't be there.

"The only way to get on an eccentric orbit is to have some giant body kick
you - so what is out there?"

Professor John Matese, of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, said most
comets come from the same part of the Oort Cloud.

He added: "There is statistically significant evidence that this
concentration of comets could be caused by a companion to the Sun."

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: lauw            來自:       (03/15 23:44)
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