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發信人: tyuan@Lion (鳳兮), 信區: BudaTech
標  題: Re: 請教專案管理的解決方案
發信站: 獅子吼站 (Mon Mar 25 11:15:05 2002)
轉信站: Lion



Double Choco Latte is a package that provides basic project management
capabilities, time tracking on tasks, call tracking, email notifications,
online documents, statistical reports, a report engine, and more features
are either working or being developed/planned. It is licensed under
the GPL (GNU Public License), which means it is free to study,
distribute, modify, and use.


Here is a list of requirements and options to run Double Choco Latte. 

PHP - recent versions of 3 and version 4 both work. 
Any OS that runs PHP (including UN*X, BSD, Linux, Windows) 
A web server 
A SQL Database 
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 
Microsoft SQL Server 

Double Choco Latte provides basic project management, work orders, and call center tickets. It supports the following features and concepts:

Work Orders - Use for tracking history of almost anything: bugs, requests, maintenance, project tasks. 
Projects - Include hierarchal support so sub-projects can be created. Parent project's statistics include all child project stats to provide an overall status of all projects. 
Call Tickets - Use for contact with clients. Self-timing. 
Time Cards - Time taken on a work order to accomplish an action. Multiple time cards can be input for a single work order. 
Attribute Sets 
An attribute set consists of: Actions, Priorities, Severities, Statuses. 
Each product can support its own attribute set for work orders and tickets. 
Accounts - Client based tracking 
Personnel - People involved in the projects, including hierarchal support 
Departments - To "categorize" personnel 
Severities - List a bug's severity level 
Priorities - Ranks bugs by priority 
Statuses - Tracks bugs by status 
Sequences - Related Work Orders carry the same Job Number and incremental sequence numbers. Can be used for projects. 
Products - Obvious, but also can be assigned a person to "report to". Useful for product managers to track what they're responsible for. 
E-Mail notification via watches. 
Notification for statuses: Open, Close, Change 
Optional notification for any activity 
Can watch a product or project and receive E-Mails for their respective work orders 
Can watch a specific work order. 
Can also watch tickets in the same way, with the exception of projects. 

This is a list of companies and projects that use DCL. If you'd like to add your company/project to this list, click here. BT Openworld Content Studio 
Tim Gregory tim.gregory at bt.com 
We about to roll out DCL to a team of designers and coders to handle bug reports and daily work order management on the portals we manage. We are also hoping to replace our current time-sheet system with DCL's timecard reporting. 
Dallas Airmotive 
Jorge Adrian Salaices asalaices at dallasairmotive.com 
I am starting to use it to keep track of project that are assigned to all of the Techs and My Programmers. It has Great Functionality and it is very Easy to use.  
ISO 90001:2000 Registration 
Darryl VanDorp themaniac at users.sourceforge.net 
DCL is used in our company to track project work related to our Quality System Registration. For example a work order is submitted to create documentation; or to track the progress of the creation of a new training program etc. DCL was/is very helpfull 
in providing very granular detail of project implementation and maintains very detailed history. 
National Community Services, Inc. 
Jason Cater jason at ncsmags.com 
Our IT department has switched from yellow stickies on the side of our monitors to this excellent ticket/project management system. I can now print out reports on practically any aspect of our support/development -- even reports that are useful for 
management whom has no clue what a "trouble ticket" is to begin with. The beauty of this system is in its simplicity: Complex enough to do what you need... simple enough to be useful. 
RUBIX Information Technologies, Inc. 
Renny Koshy renny.koshy at rubixinfotech.com 
We were on the search for an easy to use, easy to configure problem reporting & feature request system. Of all the programs that we've looked at, I've liked DCL the best. There were some program with slightly "nicer" UI's *but ONLY for Micro$oft 
Windoze* -- which made them rather unattractive. The fact that it was an opensource development project made it even more desirable. Great Product 
Derek Neighbors derek at gnue.org 
We use DCL to manage all of our projects and trouble tickets for all our marketing and web development for USAHotelJobs.com. It has sped up development considerably as management and the programming team are now both more accountable to what is going 
on in the projects. 
Matt Garner mattg at webpipe.net 
We use DCL as our support ticket management system, our order fulfillment system. It worked wonders for our support staff as they were using millions of PostIt notes and legal pads. We've integrated an automatic support email handling system which 
automatically receives support mail, assigns the issue a ticket number, notifies the user, redirects to the appropriate staff based on keywords, and automatically tracks all correspondence in between! DCL is a life saver! 
 Conquer Corporation 
Walter Landman wlandman at conquer.net 
We use it for managing our internal projects, the work that people outsource to us, and we handle other office matters. DCL offers plently of customization that fits 99% of our needs. 
Embarcadero Publishing Company 
Frank A. Bravo fabravo at EmbarcaderoPublishing.com 
I have a staff of three who are responsible for several web sites and hardware/software support of our five physical sites. I looked for a long time to find a 100 percent web-based solution that would do what we needed and DCL is just that. We have 
started to use it to track items called into our makeshift call center and it has performed great! Each of us can track problems and give insight into issues. It is all right there and accessible from anywhere! There are features we would never use, 
but its customization allows for use to just use those parts we need. While I am still learning the technologies behind it, I am very pleased to have found it ?DCL itself is VERY easy to configure and use. 
Lufthansa Systems Berlin 
Herbert Mollien herbert.mollien at lhsystems.com 
We use it mainly for bug-tracking purposes in a software development project.  
RISCO, Inc. 
Michael Dean mdean at users.sourceforge.net 
This is the itch that needed scratching. Currently, DCL is being used in the call center for customer call tracking, development for tracking bugs and feature requests, hardware/networking for tracking maintenance issues, and QA for test cycle issues. 
The MathWorks UK 
Tom Yates tyates at gatekeeper.ltd.uk 
We allow certain external users of MATLAB to report issues with custom products. DCL lets them report issues over the web, it lets us assign issues to engineers and track unresolved issues easily. It's great. 
Dan Bethe dan_bethe at yahoo.com 
I use it at home for managing my household of various renters and my basic life, and I've used it at various companies I've been at, to replace basic use of Microsoft Project. It's an essential groupware component, wrapped up in a nice SSL-protected 
web page. 

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Ξ 獅子吼站 版面介紹:                                          cbs.ntu.edu.tw
 佛典電子化討論版 - 三藏經典電子化結集中                           BudaTech
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