看板: BudaHelp ◎ 佛法求助哇啦啦 板主: cathykao/prajna |
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發信人: jukiki.bbs@ptt.cc (again), 看板: BudaHelp 標 題: [問題] 想請問一個佛家用語的英文 發信站: 批踢踢實業 (Sun May 8 11:23:58 2005) 轉信站: Lion!Group.NCTU!grouppost!Group.NCTU!ptt Origin: sally.csie.ntu.edu.tw 我在書上看到 seven orders of being 可是都找不到中文解釋, 能不能請各位解答, 感謝 整段文是提到The Sutra of the 10 Kings(可以翻成十王經嗎?) 這部經書在描述地獄的情景 英文如下 the sutra illustrate tje purgatorail journey of the soul from death to rebirth in one of seven orders of being, ranging from the highest, bodhisattvas (those who have attained eblightenment), to hungry ghosts or, still worse, those who have been banished to hell. 因為太多專業術語, 真是很難理解呢, 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: |
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