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作者: belleyyc (烏龜健走^^) 標題: [補充] 《雜阿含卷47,1257經「壽命遷滅」》 時間: 2009年 5月17日 2:00:06 星期日 今天剛好朋友提起巴利字典,就想起之前想要補充的,卻一直沒補充的... 真是不好意思~ 感謝之前學長們,針對1257經的「壽命遷滅」提供了至少兩種看法。 後來,對照了一下英譯巴利版的雜阿含關於「壽命遷滅」 的英譯(菩提比丘所譯), 提供大家參考: 佛告比丘:「此接箭士夫雖復捷疾,有地神天子倍疾於彼,虛空神天倍疾地神, 四王天子來去倍疾於虛空神天,日月天子復倍捷疾於四王天,導日月神復倍捷疾 於日月天子。諸比丘,命行遷變倍疾於彼導日月神。是故,諸比丘,當勤方便, 觀察命行無常迅速如是。」 "Bhikkhus, as swift as that man is, still swifter are the sun and the moon. As swift as that man is, and as swift as are the sun and the moon, and as swift as are the deities that run before the sun and the moon, the vital formations perish even more swiftly than that. Therefore, bhikkhus, you should train yourselves thus: 'We will dwell diligently.' Thus, should you train yourselves." 「壽命遷滅」被譯為"the vital formations perish", 菩提比丘在這個"vital formations"後,又加了一個註解: "Ayusankhara"(這是巴利文,抱歉~ 打不出那樣的字母). This is said with reference to the physical life faculty ("rupajivitindriya", 又是巴利文); for this perishes even faster than that. But it is not possible to describe the breakup of formless phenomena (i.e., of mental states, because according to the Abhidhamma they break up sixteen times faster than material phenomena). 換句話說,就自己對英譯的理解,這「壽命遷滅」應該不只是指人的壽命(色), 更可能是指「無常」的變化速度。 (也許懂巴利的學長可以提供巴利原典的說法) 提供學長、同學們參考。 -- ※ Origin: 台大獅子吼佛學專站 <cbs.ntu.edu.tw> ◆ From: ! |
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