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發信人: dr_gee79@REMOVE.UPPERCASE.hotmail.com (phk), 看板: history
標  題: Re: 請問馬雅文字是怎麼解讀的?
發信站: Forlorn Association of Researchless Theolog (Wed Nov  1 10:04:48 2006)
轉信站: Lion!news.nsysu!ctu-gate!news.nctu!newsfeed.stanford.edu!postnews.googl

In article <4QeD8d$XTX@bbs.ee.ntu.edu.tw>, www@bbs.ee.ntu.edu.tw (web) wrote:
>※ 引述《Admiral (黃鼠狼當道)》之銘言:
>: 聽費曼自己說,是由他來解讀出馬雅文字的
>: 可是他又不懂印地安語,他要怎麼解讀出馬雅文字?

omniglot lists some books.


pretty interesting,



I hated the sunsets of whatever colour, I hated its beauty and its
magic and the secret I would never know. I hated its indifference and
the cruelty which was part of its loveliness.

--- Jean Rhys, Wide Sargossa Sea
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